To: $to From: $from Subject: $subject Dear AIS Parser SDK Customer, I have released $version of the $product. It is now available for download from $location This is a password protected webpage, your login information is: un: $username pw: $password Changes in this version include: * Fix for binary message payloads (msg 6,8,17) now returns sixbit struct not ASCII * Fix for message 14, spare bits should have been 2 not 1 * Addition of St. Lawrence Seaway binary message support * Addition of IMO binary message support I have tested the Seaway messages against the examples in the documentation, and message 1.3 against live data. The Pawss and IMO messages have not been tested with real data yet. If you have live examples of these messages, I'd appreciate a copy to use for testing. The Seaway and IMO messages are not supported by the Visual Basic 6 DLL. I have tried to get it to work, but it doesn't want to work with the data structures. I have added a number of helper functions, but still have not been able to get it to work. The Python module does work with Seaway and IMO, you need to use one of the helper functions to retrieve data from arrays of structures in the Seaway and IMO message structures. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me. Brian Lane