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urlUtils.brs (10289B)

      1 '**********************************************************
      2 '**  Video Player Example Application - URL Utilities 
      3 '**  November 2009
      4 '**  Copyright (c) 2009 Roku Inc. All Rights Reserved.
      5 '**********************************************************
      7 REM ******************************************************
      8 REM Constucts a URL Transfer object
      9 REM ******************************************************
     11 Function CreateURLTransferObject(url As String) as Object
     12     obj = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
     13     obj.SetPort(CreateObject("roMessagePort"))
     14     obj.SetUrl(url)
     15     obj.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
     16     obj.EnableEncodings(true)
     17     return obj
     18 End Function
     20 REM ******************************************************
     21 REM Url Query builder
     22 REM so this is a quick and dirty name/value encoder/accumulator
     23 REM ******************************************************
     25 Function NewHttp(url As String) as Object
     26     obj = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
     27     obj.Http                        = CreateURLTransferObject(url)
     28     obj.FirstParam                  = true
     29     obj.AddParam                    = http_add_param
     30     obj.AddRawQuery                 = http_add_raw_query
     31     obj.GetToStringWithRetry        = http_get_to_string_with_retry
     32     obj.PrepareUrlForQuery          = http_prepare_url_for_query
     33     obj.GetToStringWithTimeout      = http_get_to_string_with_timeout
     34     obj.PostFromStringWithTimeout   = http_post_from_string_with_timeout
     36     if Instr(1, url, "?") > 0 then obj.FirstParam = false
     38     return obj
     39 End Function
     42 REM ******************************************************
     43 REM Constucts a URL Transfer object 2
     44 REM ******************************************************
     46 Function CreateURLTransferObject2(url As String, contentHeader As String) as Object
     47     obj = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
     48     obj.SetPort(CreateObject("roMessagePort"))
     49     obj.SetUrl(url)
     50     obj.AddHeader("Content-Type", contentHeader)
     51     obj.EnableEncodings(true)
     52     return obj
     53 End Function
     55 REM ******************************************************
     56 REM Url Query builder 2
     57 REM so this is a quick and dirty name/value encoder/accumulator
     58 REM ******************************************************
     60 Function NewHttp2(url As String, contentHeader As String) as Object
     61     obj = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
     62     obj.Http                        = CreateURLTransferObject2(url, contentHeader)
     63     obj.FirstParam                  = true
     64     obj.AddParam                    = http_add_param
     65     obj.AddRawQuery                 = http_add_raw_query
     66     obj.GetToStringWithRetry        = http_get_to_string_with_retry
     67     obj.PrepareUrlForQuery          = http_prepare_url_for_query
     68     obj.GetToStringWithTimeout      = http_get_to_string_with_timeout
     69     obj.PostFromStringWithTimeout   = http_post_from_string_with_timeout
     71     if Instr(1, url, "?") > 0 then obj.FirstParam = false
     73     return obj
     74 End Function
     77 REM ******************************************************
     78 REM HttpEncode - just encode a string
     79 REM ******************************************************
     81 Function HttpEncode(str As String) As String
     82     o = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
     83     return o.Escape(str)
     84 End Function
     86 REM ******************************************************
     87 REM Prepare the current url for adding query parameters
     88 REM Automatically add a '?' or '&' as necessary
     89 REM ******************************************************
     91 Function http_prepare_url_for_query() As String
     92     url = m.Http.GetUrl()
     93     if m.FirstParam then
     94         url = url + "?"
     95         m.FirstParam = false
     96     else
     97         url = url + "&"
     98     endif
     99     m.Http.SetUrl(url)
    100     return url
    101 End Function
    103 REM ******************************************************
    104 REM Percent encode a name/value parameter pair and add the
    105 REM the query portion of the current url
    106 REM Automatically add a '?' or '&' as necessary
    107 REM Prevent duplicate parameters
    108 REM ******************************************************
    110 Function http_add_param(name As String, val As String) as Void
    111     q = m.Http.Escape(name)
    112     q = q + "="
    113     url = m.Http.GetUrl()
    114     if Instr(1, url, q) > 0 return    'Parameter already present
    115     q = q + m.Http.Escape(val)
    116     m.AddRawQuery(q)
    117 End Function
    119 REM ******************************************************
    120 REM Tack a raw query string onto the end of the current url
    121 REM Automatically add a '?' or '&' as necessary
    122 REM ******************************************************
    124 Function http_add_raw_query(query As String) as Void
    125     url = m.PrepareUrlForQuery()
    126     url = url + query
    127     m.Http.SetUrl(url)
    128 End Function
    130 REM ******************************************************
    131 REM Performs Http.AsyncGetToString() in a retry loop
    132 REM with exponential backoff. To the outside
    133 REM world this appears as a synchronous API.
    134 REM ******************************************************
    136 Function http_get_to_string_with_retry() as String
    137     timeout%         = 1500
    138     num_retries%     = 5
    140     str = ""
    141     while num_retries% > 0
    142 '        print "httpget try " + itostr(num_retries%)
    143         if (m.Http.AsyncGetToString())
    144             event = wait(timeout%, m.Http.GetPort())
    145             if type(event) = "roUrlEvent"
    146                 str = event.GetString()
    147                 exit while
    148             elseif event = invalid
    149                 m.Http.AsyncCancel()
    150                 REM reset the connection on timeouts
    151                 m.Http = CreateURLTransferObject(m.Http.GetUrl())
    152                 timeout% = 2 * timeout%
    153             else
    154                 print "roUrlTransfer::AsyncGetToString(): unknown event"
    155             endif
    156         endif
    158         num_retries% = num_retries% - 1
    159     end while
    161     return str
    162 End Function
    164 REM ******************************************************
    165 REM Performs Http.AsyncGetToString() with a single timeout in seconds
    166 REM To the outside world this appears as a synchronous API.
    167 REM ******************************************************
    169 Function http_get_to_string_with_timeout(seconds as Integer) as String
    170     timeout% = 1000 * seconds
    172     str = ""
    173     m.Http.EnableFreshConnection(true) 'Don't reuse existing connections
    174     if (m.Http.AsyncGetToString())
    175         event = wait(timeout%, m.Http.GetPort())
    176         if type(event) = "roUrlEvent"
    177             str = event.GetString()
    178         elseif event = invalid
    179             Dbg("AsyncGetToString timeout")
    180             m.Http.AsyncCancel()
    181         else
    182             Dbg("AsyncGetToString unknown event", event)
    183         endif
    184     endif
    186     return str
    187 End Function
    189 REM ******************************************************
    190 REM Performs Http.AsyncPostFromString() with a single timeout in seconds
    191 REM To the outside world this appears as a synchronous API.
    192 REM ******************************************************
    194 Function http_post_from_string_with_timeout(val As String, seconds as Integer) as String
    195     timeout% = 1000 * seconds
    197     str = ""
    198 '    m.Http.EnableFreshConnection(true) 'Don't reuse existing connections
    199     if (m.Http.AsyncPostFromString(val))
    200         event = wait(timeout%, m.Http.GetPort())
    201         if type(event) = "roUrlEvent"
    202             print "1"
    203             str = event.GetString()
    204         elseif event = invalid
    205             print "2"
    206             Dbg("AsyncPostFromString timeout")
    207             m.Http.AsyncCancel()
    208         else
    209             print "3"
    210             Dbg("AsyncPostFromString unknown event", event)
    211         endif
    212     endif
    214     return str
    215 End Function
    217 ' ********************************************************************
    218 ' ** Get a HTML page with timeout. Gather up error info and return it
    219 ' ********************************************************************
    220 Function getHTMLWithTimeout(url As String, seconds As Integer) as Object
    221     timeout% = 1000 * seconds
    223     result = { str : "", error : false, response : 0, reason : "" }
    225     http = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
    226     http.SetUrl(url)
    227     http.SetPort(CreateObject("roMessagePort"))
    228     http.EnableFreshConnection(true) 'Don't reuse existing connections
    229     if (http.AsyncGetToString())
    230         event = wait(timeout%, http.GetPort())
    231         if type(event) = "roUrlEvent"
    232             if event.GetResponseCode() = 200 then
    233                 result.str = event.GetString()
    234             else
    235                 result.error = true
    236                 result.response = event.GetResponseCode()
    237                 result.reason = event.GetFailureReason()
    238             end if
    239         elseif event = invalid
    240             Dbg("AsyncGetToString timeout")
    241             http.AsyncCancel()
    242         else
    243             Dbg("AsyncGetToString unknown event", event)
    244         endif
    245     endif
    247 '    print "HTTP result: "
    248 '    print result
    250     return result
    251 End Function
    253 ' ********************************************************************
    254 ' POST a value to a URL and get the response
    255 ' ********************************************************************
    256 Function postHTMLWithTimeout(url As String, content As String, seconds As Integer) as Object
    257     timeout% = 1000 * seconds
    259     result = { str : "", error : false, response : 0, reason : "" }
    261     http = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
    262     http.SetUrl(url)
    263     http.SetPort(CreateObject("roMessagePort"))
    264     http.EnableFreshConnection(true) 'Don't reuse existing connections
    265     if (http.AsyncPostFromString(content))
    266         event = wait(timeout%, http.GetPort())
    267         if type(event) = "roUrlEvent"
    268             if event.GetResponseCode() = 200 then
    269                 result.str = event.GetString()
    270             else
    271                 result.error = true
    272                 result.response = event.GetResponseCode()
    273                 result.reason = event.GetFailureReason()
    274             end if
    275         elseif event = invalid
    276             Dbg("AsyncGetToString timeout")
    277             http.AsyncCancel()
    278         else
    279             Dbg("AsyncGetToString unknown event", event)
    280         endif
    281     endif
    283 '    print "HTTP result: "
    284 '    print result
    286     return result
    287 End Function
    289 '************************************************************
    290 '** Check a URL to see if it is valid
    291 '************************************************************
    292 Function isUrlValid( url As String ) As Boolean
    293     result = getHTMLWithTimeout(url, 60)
    294     return not result.error
    295 End Function