Home Media Server for Roku Players
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getCategoryMetadata.brs (6249B)

      1 '********************************************************************
      2 '**  Home Media Server Application - Get the metadata for a category
      3 '**  Copyright (c) 2022 Brian C. Lane All Rights Reserved.
      4 '********************************************************************
      6 '*******************************************************************
      7 ' Return a roArray of ContentNodes for the selected category
      8 ' The list is sorted by title, and the ContentNode has the fields
      9 ' setup for direct use with the VideoNode
     10 '
     11 ' Pass the server url and the category (the subdirectory) to get the
     12 ' metadata from.
     13 '*******************************************************************
     14 Function getCategoryMetadata(url As String, category As String) As Object
     15     cat_url = url + "/" + category + "/"
     16     listing = getDirectoryListing(cat_url)
     17     listing_hash = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
     18     for each f in listing
     19         listing_hash.AddReplace(f, "")
     20     end for
     22     ' What kind of directory is this?
     23     dirType = directoryType(listing_hash)
     24     if dirType = 1 then
     25         displayList  = displayFiles(listing, { jpg : true })
     26     else if dirType = 2 then
     27         displayList = displayFiles(listing, { mp3 : true })
     28     else if dirType = 3 then
     29         displayList = displayFiles(listing, { mp4 : true, m4v : true, mov : true, wmv : true } )
     30     else if dirType = 4 then
     31         displayList = displayFiles(listing, { mp4 : true, m4v : true, mov : true, wmv : true } )
     32     else
     33         ' Assume movies if there is no type file
     34         displayList = displayFiles(listing, { mp4 : true, m4v : true, mov : true, wmv : true } )
     35     end if
     37     Sort(displayList, function(k)
     38                        return LCase(k[0])
     39                      end function)
     40     list = CreateObject("roArray", displayList.Count(), false)
     41     for j = 0 to displayList.Count()-1
     42         list.Push(MovieObject(displayList[j], cat_url, listing_hash))
     43     end for
     44     return list
     45 End Function
     47 '*********************************
     48 ' Return the type of the directory
     49 '
     50 ' 1 = photos
     51 ' 2 = songs
     52 ' 3 = episodes
     53 ' 4 = movies
     54 '*********************************
     55 Function directoryType(listing_hash As Object) As Integer
     56     if listing_hash.DoesExist("photos") then
     57         return 1
     58     else if listing_hash.DoesExist("songs") then
     59         return 2
     60     else if listing_hash.DoesExist("episodes") then
     61         return 3
     62     else if listing_hash.DoesExist("movies") then
     63         return 4
     64     end if
     65     return 0
     66 End Function
     68 '**************************************************************
     69 ' Get the poster name for the content type
     70 '
     71 ' First look for a specific .png or .jpg matching the basename,
     72 ' then try 'default'
     73 '
     74 ' Pass the full listing hash, the server url, basename of the
     75 ' video, and content type. eg. SD, HD, FHD
     76 '
     77 ' It returns the full url to the poster to use or "" if none
     78 ' are found in the listing.
     79 '**************************************************************
     80 Function GetPosterURL(listing_hash as Object, url as String, basename as String, content as String) as String
     81     if listing_hash.DoesExist(basename+"-"+content+".png") then
     82         return url+basename+"-"+content+".png"
     83     else if listing_hash.DoesExist(basename+"-"+content+".jpg") then
     84         return url+basename+"-"+content+".jpg"
     85     else if listing_hash.DoesExist("default-"+content+".png") then
     86         return url+"default-"+content+".png"
     87     else if listing_hash.DoesExist("default-"+content+".jpg") then
     88         return url+"default-"+content+".jpg"
     89     end if
     91     return ""
     92 End Function
     94 '************************************************************
     95 ' Get the bif file url for the content type
     96 '
     97 ' Pass the full listing hash, the server url, basename of the
     98 ' video, and content type. eg. SD, HD, FHD
     99 '
    100 ' It returns the full url to the bif file or "" if none are
    101 ' found in the listing.
    102 '************************************************************
    103 Function GetBifURL(listing_hash as Object, url as String, basename as String, content as String) as String
    104     if listing_hash.DoesExist(basename+"-"+content+".bif") then
    105         return url+basename+"-"+content+".bif"
    106     end if
    108     return ""
    109 End Function
    111 '*****************************************************
    112 ' Create an object with the movie metadata
    113 '
    114 ' Return a ContentNode with all the fields
    115 ' needed for use with the VideoNode setup.
    116 '
    117 ' Pass the filename, server url, and full listing_hash
    118 '*****************************************************
    119 Function MovieObject(file As Object, url As String, listing_hash as Object) As Object
    120     o = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
    121     o.ContentType = "movie"
    122     o.ShortDescriptionLine1 = file[1]["basename"]
    124 ' XXX says no field in ContentNode
    125 '    o.IsHD = false
    127     ' Assume there is always a SD poster
    128     o.SDPosterURL = GetPosterURL(listing_hash, url, file[1]["basename"], "SD")
    130     ' Fall back to lower existing poster for HD and FHD if they don't exist
    131     o.HDPosterURL = GetPosterURL(listing_hash, url, file[1]["basename"], "HD")
    132     if o.HDPosterURL = ""
    133         o.HDPosterURL = o.SDPosterURL
    134     end if
    135     o.FHDPosterURL = GetPosterURL(listing_hash, url, file[1]["basename"], "FHD")
    136     if o.FHDPosterURL = ""
    137         if o.HDPosterURL <> ""
    138             o.FHDPosterURL = o.HDPosterURL
    139         else
    140             o.FHDPosterURL = o.SDPosterURL
    141         end if
    142     end if
    144     ' Setup the .bif files
    145     o.SDBifURL = GetBifURL(listing_hash, url, file[1]["basename"], "SD")
    146     o.HDBifURL = GetBifURL(listing_hash, url, file[1]["basename"], "HD")
    147     o.FHDBifURL = GetBifURL(listing_hash, url, file[1]["basename"], "FHD")
    149 ' NOTE: Cannot easily just read a file in this function
    150 '    if listing_hash.DoesExist(file[1]["basename"]+".txt") then
    151 '        o.Description = getDescription(url+file[1]["basename"]+".txt")
    152 '    end if
    154     o.HDBranded = false
    155     o.Rating = "NR"
    156     o.StarRating = 100
    157     o.Title = file[1]["basename"]
    158     o.Url = url + file[0]
    160     streamFormat = { mp4 : "mp4", m4v : "mp4", mov : "mp4",
    161                      wmv : "wmv", hls : "hls"
    162                    }
    163     if streamFormat.DoesExist(file[1]["extension"].Mid(1)) then
    164         o.StreamFormat = streamFormat[file[1]["extension"].Mid(1)]
    165     else
    166         o.StreamFormat = "mp4"
    167     end if
    169     return o
    170 End Function