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generalUtils.brs (10924B)

      1 '**********************************************************
      2 '**  Video Player Example Application - General Utilities 
      3 '**  November 2009
      4 '**  Copyright (c) 2009 Roku Inc. All Rights Reserved.
      5 '**********************************************************
      7 '******************************************************
      8 'Registry Helper Functions
      9 '******************************************************
     10 Function RegRead(key, section=invalid)
     11     if section = invalid then section = "Default"
     12     sec = CreateObject("roRegistrySection", section)
     13     if sec.Exists(key) then return sec.Read(key)
     14     return invalid
     15 End Function
     17 Function RegWrite(key, val, section=invalid)
     18     if section = invalid then section = "Default"
     19     sec = CreateObject("roRegistrySection", section)
     20     sec.Write(key, val)
     21     sec.Flush() 'commit it
     22 End Function
     24 Function RegDelete(key, section=invalid)
     25     if section = invalid then section = "Default"
     26     sec = CreateObject("roRegistrySection", section)
     27     sec.Delete(key)
     28     sec.Flush()
     29 End Function
     32 '******************************************************
     33 'Insertion Sort
     34 'Will sort an array directly, or use a key function
     35 '******************************************************
     36 Sub Sort(A as Object, key=invalid as dynamic)
     38     if type(A)<>"roArray" then return
     40     if (key=invalid) then
     41         for i = 1 to A.Count()-1
     42             value = A[i]
     43             j = i-1
     44             while j>= 0 and A[j] > value
     45                 A[j + 1] = A[j]
     46                 j = j-1
     47             end while
     48             A[j+1] = value
     49         next
     51     else
     52         if type(key)<>"Function" then return
     53         for i = 1 to A.Count()-1
     54             valuekey = key(A[i])
     55             value = A[i]
     56             j = i-1
     57             while j>= 0 and key(A[j]) > valuekey
     58                 A[j + 1] = A[j]
     59                 j = j-1
     60             end while
     61             A[j+1] = value
     62         next
     64     end if
     66 End Sub
     69 '******************************************************
     70 'Convert anything to a string
     71 '
     72 'Always returns a string
     73 '******************************************************
     74 Function tostr(any)
     75     ret = AnyToString(any)
     76     if ret = invalid ret = type(any)
     77     if ret = invalid ret = "unknown" 'failsafe
     78     return ret
     79 End Function
     82 '******************************************************
     83 'Get a " char as a string
     84 '******************************************************
     85 Function Quote()
     86     q$ = Chr(34)
     87     return q$
     88 End Function
     91 '******************************************************
     92 'islist
     93 '
     94 'Determine if the given object supports the ifList interface
     95 '******************************************************
     96 Function islist(obj as dynamic) As Boolean
     97     if obj = invalid return false
     98     if GetInterface(obj, "ifArray") = invalid return false
     99     return true
    100 End Function
    103 '******************************************************
    104 'isint
    105 '
    106 'Determine if the given object supports the ifInt interface
    107 '******************************************************
    108 Function isint(obj as dynamic) As Boolean
    109     if obj = invalid return false
    110     if GetInterface(obj, "ifInt") = invalid return false
    111     return true
    112 End Function
    114 '******************************************************
    115 ' validstr
    116 '
    117 ' always return a valid string. if the argument is
    118 ' invalid or not a string, return an empty string
    119 '******************************************************
    120 Function validstr(obj As Dynamic) As String
    121     if isnonemptystr(obj) return obj
    122     return ""
    123 End Function
    126 '******************************************************
    127 'isstr
    128 '
    129 'Determine if the given object supports the ifString interface
    130 '******************************************************
    131 Function isstr(obj as dynamic) As Boolean
    132     if obj = invalid return false
    133     if GetInterface(obj, "ifString") = invalid return false
    134     return true
    135 End Function
    138 '******************************************************
    139 'isnonemptystr
    140 '
    141 'Determine if the given object supports the ifString interface
    142 'and returns a string of non zero length
    143 '******************************************************
    144 Function isnonemptystr(obj)
    145     if isnullorempty(obj) return false
    146     return true
    147 End Function
    150 '******************************************************
    151 'isnullorempty
    152 '
    153 'Determine if the given object is invalid or supports
    154 'the ifString interface and returns a string of non zero length
    155 '******************************************************
    156 Function isnullorempty(obj)
    157     if obj = invalid return true
    158     if not isstr(obj) return true
    159     if Len(obj) = 0 return true
    160     return false
    161 End Function
    164 '******************************************************
    165 'isbool
    166 '
    167 'Determine if the given object supports the ifBoolean interface
    168 '******************************************************
    169 Function isbool(obj as dynamic) As Boolean
    170     if obj = invalid return false
    171     if GetInterface(obj, "ifBoolean") = invalid return false
    172     return true
    173 End Function
    176 '******************************************************
    177 'isfloat
    178 '
    179 'Determine if the given object supports the ifFloat interface
    180 '******************************************************
    181 Function isfloat(obj as dynamic) As Boolean
    182     if obj = invalid return false
    183     if GetInterface(obj, "ifFloat") = invalid return false
    184     return true
    185 End Function
    188 '******************************************************
    189 'strtobool
    190 '
    191 'Convert string to boolean safely. Don't crash
    192 'Looks for certain string values
    193 '******************************************************
    194 Function strtobool(obj As dynamic) As Boolean
    195     if obj = invalid return false
    196     if type(obj) <> "roString" return false
    197     o = strTrim(obj)
    198     o = Lcase(o)
    199     if o = "true" return true
    200     if o = "t" return true
    201     if o = "y" return true
    202     if o = "1" return true
    203     return false
    204 End Function
    207 '******************************************************
    208 'itostr
    209 '
    210 'Convert int to string. This is necessary because
    211 'the builtin Stri(x) prepends whitespace
    212 '******************************************************
    213 Function itostr(i As Integer) As String
    214     str = Stri(i)
    215     return strTrim(str)
    216 End Function
    219 '******************************************************
    220 'Get remaining hours from a total seconds
    221 '******************************************************
    222 Function hoursLeft(seconds As Integer) As Integer
    223     hours% = seconds / 3600
    224     return hours%
    225 End Function
    228 '******************************************************
    229 'Get remaining minutes from a total seconds
    230 '******************************************************
    231 Function minutesLeft(seconds As Integer) As Integer
    232     hours% = seconds / 3600
    233     mins% = seconds - (hours% * 3600)
    234     mins% = mins% / 60
    235     return mins%
    236 End Function
    239 '******************************************************
    240 'Pluralize simple strings like "1 minute" or "2 minutes"
    241 '******************************************************
    242 Function Pluralize(val As Integer, str As String) As String
    243     ret = itostr(val) + " " + str
    244     if val <> 1 ret = ret + "s"
    245     return ret
    246 End Function
    249 '******************************************************
    250 'Trim a string
    251 '******************************************************
    252 Function strTrim(str As String) As String
    253     st=CreateObject("roString")
    254     st.SetString(str)
    255     return st.Trim()
    256 End Function
    259 '******************************************************
    260 'Tokenize a string. Return roList of strings
    261 '******************************************************
    262 Function strTokenize(str As String, delim As String) As Object
    263     st=CreateObject("roString")
    264     st.SetString(str)
    265     return st.Tokenize(delim)
    266 End Function
    269 '******************************************************
    270 'Replace substrings in a string. Return new string
    271 '******************************************************
    272 Function strReplace(basestr As String, oldsub As String, newsub As String) As String
    273     newstr = ""
    275     i = 1
    276     while i <= Len(basestr)
    277         x = Instr(i, basestr, oldsub)
    278         if x = 0 then
    279             newstr = newstr + Mid(basestr, i)
    280             exit while
    281         endif
    283         if x > i then
    284             newstr = newstr + Mid(basestr, i, x-i)
    285             i = x
    286         endif
    288         newstr = newstr + newsub
    289         i = i + Len(oldsub)
    290     end while
    292     return newstr
    293 End Function
    296 '******************************************************
    297 'Try to convert anything to a string. Only works on simple items.
    298 '
    299 'Test with this script...
    300 '
    301 '    s$ = "yo1"
    302 '    ss = "yo2"
    303 '    i% = 111
    304 '    ii = 222
    305 '    f! = 333.333
    306 '    ff = 444.444
    307 '    d# = 555.555
    308 '    dd = 555.555
    309 '    bb = true
    310 '
    311 '    so = CreateObject("roString")
    312 '    so.SetString("strobj")
    313 '    io = CreateObject("roInt")
    314 '    io.SetInt(666)
    315 '    tm = CreateObject("roTimespan")
    316 '
    317 '    Dbg("", s$ ) 'call the Dbg() function which calls AnyToString()
    318 '    Dbg("", ss )
    319 '    Dbg("", "yo3")
    320 '    Dbg("", i% )
    321 '    Dbg("", ii )
    322 '    Dbg("", 2222 )
    323 '    Dbg("", f! )
    324 '    Dbg("", ff )
    325 '    Dbg("", 3333.3333 )
    326 '    Dbg("", d# )
    327 '    Dbg("", dd )
    328 '    Dbg("", so )
    329 '    Dbg("", io )
    330 '    Dbg("", bb )
    331 '    Dbg("", true )
    332 '    Dbg("", tm )
    333 '
    334 'try to convert an object to a string. return invalid if can't
    335 '******************************************************
    336 Function AnyToString(any As Dynamic) As dynamic
    337     if any = invalid return "invalid"
    338     if isstr(any) return any
    339     if isint(any) return itostr(any)
    340     if isbool(any)
    341         if any = true return "true"
    342         return "false"
    343     endif
    344     if isfloat(any) return Str(any)
    345     if type(any) = "roTimespan" return itostr(any.TotalMilliseconds()) + "ms"
    346     return invalid
    347 End Function
    350 '******************************************************
    351 'Validate parameter is the correct type
    352 '******************************************************
    353 Function validateParam(param As Object, paramType As String,functionName As String, allowInvalid = false) As Boolean
    354     if type(param) = paramType then
    355         return true
    356     endif
    358     if allowInvalid = true then
    359         if type(param) = invalid then
    360             return true
    361         endif
    362     endif
    364     print "invalid parameter of type "; type(param); " for "; paramType; " in function "; functionName
    365     return false
    366 End Function
    368 '******************************************************
    369 '** Join the members of a list with a string
    370 '******************************************************
    371 Function joinString(list as Object, j as String, first=false, last=false) As String
    372     if first then
    373         str = j
    374     else
    375         str = ""
    376     end if
    378     for each f in list
    379         str = str + f
    380         if last or list.Peek() <> f then
    381             str = str + j
    382         end if
    383     end for
    385     return str
    386 End Function
    388 '********************************************
    389 ' Return the last part of a / separated path
    390 '********************************************
    391 Function getLastElement(url As String) As String
    392     ' Get last element of URL
    393     toks = url.tokenize("/")
    394     return toks[toks.Count()-1]
    395 End Function